If you've been wanting to bring a puppy home by Christmas we only have a few pups available! After these puppies find their homes we wont have any more pups until the end of January!
If you have been wanting an older puppy we have two puppies who are almost a year old who are available! And the girl is already fixed! Scroll to the bottom to meet them!
~This is Gatlin~

Gatlin is from our Posey/Java litter. He will be a small standard poodle maturing to only about forty pounds. He is playful and energetic! Is is such a love! I just love his white body and butterscotch-y ears! He is 15 weeks old.
~This is Clark~

Clark is also from our Posey/Java litter! He will mature to around forty pounds. As he ages I expect his color will continue to lighten. Clark is a bit more laid back and snuggly than his brother Gatlin.
~Ocala~ (I'm sorry the picture isn't better! It's been SO dark and rainy here! I need a better camera!)

Ocala is the last available puppy from our Pearl/Oreo litter. He will be about fifty pounds full grown! Pearl and Oreo have truly fantastic personalities and I expect no less from this boy! If you'd like to see a video of Ocala playing with Myers, check out this link here! https://youtu.be/ZsMuN9IwXks

Ok - I KNOW he needs a hair cut - I'm just SO SO SO in love with fluff! :-D This boy was with a dear friend of ours, and sadly doesn't carry the right colors for their program. Bubba is crate and doggy door trained. He is a bit timid when something is new, which isn't unusual for a Poodle. He just needs your smile and reassurance and I think he will adapt wonderfully! Bubba is intact and full registration can be discussed. Bubba is also from Java, so he is a half sibling to Gatlin and Clark! Bubba is living here with us until he finds his perfect family!

River is a full blooded sibling to Bubba. She has been raised by some of our best friends. She had an umbilical hernia and that has been repaired and she has been spayed. River is lively and energetic, and not as timid as Bubba is. River is also doggy door and crate trained!
Upcoming Litters
We have begun breeding for our 2023 litters! I'm starting to accept deposits for the litters listed below!
We have a new Mama, Dutchess, who has bred to Oreo and is due the end of January! Dutchess is a blue poodle, and Oreo is a silver parti! So I'm expecting a mix of silver and blue abstract puppies! These pups will mature to around fifty pounds and will be ready to go home at the end of March!
We have a repeat breeding with Camille and Copper!!! This will be a solid red litter! Last year their litter sold out very quickly! They produced stunning red puppies in a variety of shades! Camille will be due in early February and the puppies will go home in early April!
Belle and Oreo - if you are looking for parti puppies this is your litter! Belle and Oreo have produced stunning puppies in the past! Belle is our largest Mama at 73 pounds. She and Oreo produce a rainbow of puppies ranging from white to red, and black and white to apricot and white parti pups! If you are open to a variety of colors and want to see which pup tugs your heart strings this may be the right litter for you! Belle will be due in early February and the puppies will be ready to go home in early April!