Your puppy is reserved and you are ready to start shopping! I'm sure you will have a ball going wild buying things for your puppy! But in case you need a few pointers I wanted to share a few of my favorite products with you! I do almost all of the shopping for my dogs on, so I’ve included Chewy links where I could. Chewy is the Amazon of dog products and it makes shopping for your new pet so easy and fun. They have a great app and their shipping times are usually very fast! You can also set up auto shipments so you never run out of food or fresh bones for your little one. Not everything on this list is required for day one. I’ve marked items I highly recommend with an asterisk, but the most important thing your puppy needs is your love and care.

*Food - First and foremost, what food is your puppy eating now?! Your puppy has been eating Purina Pro Plan Chicken and Rice Puppy Food. Pretty please keep your puppy on the same food for at least two weeks after they come home to you! It's so hard on their tummies to go to a new family and switch foods all at once! As for how much food they've been eating everyday - I'm not sure! They eat with their siblings and I'm not sure how much food your pup is getting. I recommend putting food down two to three times a day for twenty-ish minutes each time and let your pup eat their fill. :-) Make sure the last meal of the day is several hours before you want to go do bed so your puppy wont have to go poo in the middle of the night!
*Brush You want to establish a brushing routine with your puppy from day one! I personally have a slicker brush, a comb, and detangler spray. There are several varieties available - and personal preference plays a large role in your brush of choice. Your pup needs to be brushed regularly. The type of “clip” or hair style you give your puppy will largely determine how much time you need to spend brushing your pup’s hair. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time brushing, that’s fine! Just keep your pup in a short clip and take them to the groomer frequently.
Nail Clippers For a while, you can trim your pup’s nails with toenail clippers. Nail clipping is also something your groomer will be doing for you at your regular grooming appointments.
Exercise pen Having a puppy pen is a great place to set up the pup’s bed/kennel, a potty pad, and some toys, so that when you need to focus on something other than pup for a bit, you know they’re entertained and safe! I like the 36” size.
Bed There is a lot to pick from in this category, but the simplest answer is an old blanket or comforter. Remember, puppies love to chew, so maybe start with an inexpensive bed or an old blanket to see if pup will lay on it or use it as a chew toy. If your pup is chewing up the bed or blanket, be sure to take it away, as it is very dangerous for your puppy to eat a blanket. You can also look into elevated beds. A great thing to teach your new pet is to “place”, or to stay on their elevated bed, until you tell them to get down. This will help when you have company over, or need your pup to not go running out the door when FedEx delivers a package. These have the added benefit of not being as fun to chew up as a bed full of stuffing.
*Kennel I recommend starting small and getting a larger kennel as your pup grows. (If your puppy has too much room, they will potty in their kennel.) Your pup has been introduced to a kennel during their time with us. There are wire kennels like these:
Occasionally a clever pup or dog will figure out how to unlatch the kennel and get out. You can also use one of these, and I’ve never had a dog break out from one of these. Be sure to check size:
Both of these kennel varieties are also generally sold at big box or pet stores.
Collar and leash: If you’re looking for something extra adorable, be sure to check out this Etsy shop! They’re one of my favorites! I also HIGHLY recommend a harness for when your pup is little!
And this harness is great for when your puppy is little! I like the "small" size if you are getting one of our puppies right at eight weeks old.
Doggie poop bags You’ll need these for your walks! Remember to try to not go for a walk outside of your backyard until your puppy is fully vaccinated and has the all clear from the vet!
Chewing: Pups love to chew! This is a good and natural part of being a puppy, but it’s important to give your pup appropriate things to chew on so that your favorite shoe, or the tv cable doesn’t become a toy. :-) I keep bones and cow hooves in a basket in my living room the dogs can easily get to. They help themselves to a bone or cow hoof and lay down to chew and relax. **For come home essentials, I’d make sure to have at least one or two of the following on hand**
*Cow Hooves Cow hooves can be a bit smelly when they are being chewed on. Some smell worse than others. These ones smell the least in my opinion. If the smell bothers you you can always save the cow hooves for a special treat for kennel time. You can also smear the inside of the cow hoof with a little bit of peanut butter for an extra special treat!
Bones Chewing on a bone is not only entertaining for your pup, it’s also great for naturally cleaning their teeth! This is one of my favorites, and it comes in larger sizes for when your pup gets bigger!
Pig Ears I know, it sounds a little gross, but it’s a great chew treat for your puppy! They will eat this, so unlike a bone or a cow hoof which they will gnaw on over a long period of time they will actually consume the pig ear. So don’t panic when you come back and it’s gone. But it may take them a while to get it all chewed up.
Kong These clever and very tuff toys are great for filling with stuff that your pup will work tirelessly to get out! They come in a variety of sizes, be sure to size up as your pup grows!
***Please keep an eye on your pet when they’re chewing on bones, pigs ears, etc. Very rarely, they can break off a piece that was too big for them and choke****
Liver Treats I love using these dried liver treats! They are a very high value reward for your poodle puppy! Give them one when they potty outside, or when they go into their kennel.
Treat Bags These are a convenient way to make sure you always have a treat on hand for positive reinforcement of good behavior. Whenever you catch them offering a sit to get your attention, be sure to give them a treat and some loving! Do the same thing when they come to you! Reinforcing good behavior is one of the best ways to prevent bad behavior.
Puzzles Poodles are really really really smart! All of that brain power can leave your puppy feeling bored and restless if they don't get enough mental stimulation. What's that? You aren't restless after a long day at work and you were planning on binge watching a new show?? I so get it! That's where I think having some puzzles like this on hand can be really handy! If you want to zone out but your pup wants something to do use a puzzle! They'll love it! And you might find watching them solve the puzzle even more entertaining then that new show you put on!